Myths and Realities of the Nordic Welfare State
30th Nordic Sociological Association Conference
University of Iceland, Reykjavik, 10 – 12 August 2022.
Welcome to the 30th Nordic Sociological Association Conference that will be held at the University of Iceland, Reykjavik, 10 – 12 August 2022.
The theme of the conference is: Myths and Realities of the Nordic Welfare State.
We look forward to welcoming you in Reykjavík in August where you will have the opportunity to present your work, be inspired by the work of others and, last but not least, be able to network with colleagues and friends.
Follow our Facebook page here.
Organizing committee
Sunna Símonardóttir, Chair
Sigrún Ólafsdóttir
Sóllilja Bjarnadóttir
Ásdís Arnalds
Margrét Valdimarsdóttir
Anna Soffía Víkingsdóttir
Björk Þorgeirsdóttir
Berglind Hólm Ragnarsdóttir
Guðmundur Ævar Oddson
Heiður Hrund Jónsdóttir

Myths and Realities of the Nordic Welfare State
The Nordic countries have long been held up as ideal societies due to, for example, comparatively low levels of inequality, favorable health outcomes, strong welfare states, lack of political corruption and high levels of societal trust. Nonetheless, research has shown that the notion of Nordic societies as ideal may be somewhat overstated and perhaps sometimes unfounded.
We invite conference participants to engage in a conversation about the myths and realities of the Nordic welfare state, asking questions such as: Are the Nordic countries truly the feminist paradise they are often depicted as? Are health inequalities really the least pronounced in the Nordic countries?
Are Nordic societies inclusive to all immigrants? This broad theme intersects all areas of sociological concern, including inequality, gender, migration, health, crime, the environment, education, religion, politics, culture, or the economy.
Our goal is to host an inspiring conference where scholars can both describe Nordic realities but also critically examine myths of Nordic excellence.
Important dates
8 November 2021
Open for Call for sessions
15 January 2022
Deadline for sessions
1 February 2022
Decisions on sessions
20 March 2022
Deadline for abstract submission
22 April 2022
The review process is completed
10 June 2022
Deadline for early bird registration
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